Source code for musif.extract.extract

import os
import pickle
import subprocess
import types
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from subprocess import DEVNULL
from tempfile import mkstemp
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import ms3
import pandas as pd
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from music21.converter import parse, toData
from import Measure, Part, Score
from pandas import DataFrame
from tqdm import tqdm
from music21 import stream

import musif.extract.constants as C
from musif.cache import (CACHE_FILE_EXTENSION, FileCacheIntoRAM,
                         SmartModuleCache, store_score_df)
from musif.common._constants import GENERAL_FAMILY
from musif.common.exceptions import FeatureError, ParseFileError
from musif.config import ExtractConfiguration
from musif.extract.common import _filter_parts_data
from musif.extract.utils import (cast_mixed_dtypes,
from musif.logs import ldebug, lerr, linfo, lwarn, pdebug, perr, pinfo, pwarn
from musif.musescore import constants as mscore_c
from musif.musicxml import constants as musicxml_c
from musif.musicxml import (extract_numeric_tempo, fix_repeats, name_parts,
from musif.musicxml.scoring import (_extract_abbreviated_part, extract_sound,
from music21 import converter
import types

# attach a method to convert it into bytestring
# the first argument of toData is the object to be translated, so that could be the `self` of a class method, perfectly ok
# this must be done before of start the caching, because we are modifying the object!
stream.Stream.toData = toData

[docs] def parse_filename( file_path: str, split_keywords: List[str], expand_repeats: bool = False, export_dfs_to: Union[str, PurePath] = None, remove_unpitched_objects: bool = True, ) -> Score: """ This function parses a musicxml file and returns a music21 Score object. If the file has already been parsed, it will be loaded from cache instead of processing it again. Split a part in different parts if the instrument family is in keywords argument and expands repeats if indicated. Parameters ---------- file_path: str A path to a music xml path. split_keywords: List[str] A lists of keywords based on music21 instrument sound names to split in different parts. expand_repeats: bool Determines whether to expand or not the repetitions. Default value is False. export_dfs_to: Union[str, PurePath] Path to a directory where dataframes containing the score data are exported. If None, no score is exported. Default value is None. Returns ------- resp : Score The score saved in cache or the new score parsed with the necessary parts split. Raises ------ ParseFileError If the xml file can't be parsed for any reason. """ try: score = parse(file_path).makeRests() if export_dfs_to is not None: dest_path = Path(export_dfs_to) dest_path /= Path(file_path).with_suffix(".pkl").name store_score_df(score, dest_path) # give a name to all parts in the score name_parts(score) if remove_unpitched_objects: unpitched_objs = list( score.flatten().getElementsByClass(["PercussionChord", "Unpitched"]) ) score.remove(unpitched_objs, recurse=True) split_layers(score, split_keywords) fix_repeats(score) if expand_repeats: score = score.expandRepeats() except Exception as e: print(file_path) raise ParseFileError(file_path) from e return score
[docs] def parse_musescore_file(file_path: str, expand_repeats: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ This function parses a musescore file and returns a pandas dataframe. If the file has already been parsed, it will be loaded from cache instead of processing it again. Parameters ---------- file_path: str A path to a music mscx path. expand_repeats: bool Determines whether to expand or not the repetitions. Default value is False. Returns ------- resp : pd.DataFrame The score saved in cache or the new score parsed in the form of a dataframe. Raises ------ ParseFileError If the musescore file can't be parsed for any reason. """ try: harmonic_analysis = process_musescore_file(file_path, expand_repeats) except Exception as e: harmonic_analysis = None print(file_path) raise ParseFileError(file_path) from e return harmonic_analysis
[docs] def find_files( extensions: str or List[str], base_dir: Union[str, List[Union[str, PurePath]]], limit_files: List[str] = None, exclude_files: List[str] = None, ) -> List[PurePath]: """Extracts the paths to files given an extension Given a directory path, return a list of paths of files found, in alphabetic order. It searches recursively inside `base_dir`. If `base_dir` is a fileor a list of paths or directories with `extension`, it is returned in a list. If given neither a string nor list of strings raise a TypeError and if the file doesn't exists returns a ValueError. Parameters ---------- extension: str or Iterable[str] A list of strings representing the extensions that will be looked for base_dir : Union[str, Iterable[str]] A path or directory limit_files: Iterable[str] = None List of file names relative to `base_dir`. Only these files are taken. Incompatible with `exclude_files` exclude_files: Iterable[str] = None List of file names relative to `base_dir`. None of these files are taken. Incompatible with `limit_files` Returns ------- resp : List[PurePath] The list of musicxml files found in the provided arguments This list will be returned in alphabetical order Raises ------ TypeError If the type is not the expected (str or List[str]). ValueError If the provided string is neither a directory nor a file path """ if isinstance(extensions, str): extensions = [extensions] if base_dir is None: return [] base_dir = Path(base_dir) if not base_dir.exists(): raise ValueError(f"File {base_dir} doesn't exist") elif base_dir.is_dir(): ret = [] for ext in extensions: ret += sorted([f for f in base_dir.glob(f"**/*{ext}") if f.is_file()]) if limit_files is not None: limit_stems = set(map(lambda x: Path(x).stem, limit_files)) return [f for f in ret if f.stem in limit_stems] elif exclude_files is not None: exclude_stems = set(map(lambda x: Path(x).stem, exclude_files)) return [f for f in ret if f.stem not in exclude_stems] else: return ret elif base_dir.is_file() and base_dir.suffix in extensions: return [base_dir] else: return []
import warnings # Suppress all DeprecationWarning messages, particularly for .flat method warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, module='music21') # sorted(obj.glob(f"*{extension}"))
[docs] class FeaturesExtractor: """ Extract features for a score or a list of scores, according to the parameters established in the configuration files. It extracts musical features using music21 and ms3 library, based on the configuration and stores them in a dictionary (score features) that at the end will be returned as a DataFrame by the `extract` method. During the parsing, unpitched objects, (e.g. objects referred to percussion instruments) may be removed (see the option `remove_unpitched_objects` in the configuration). """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- *args: Could be a path to a .yml file, an AbstractExtractConfiguration object or a dictionary. Length zero or one. **kwargs: Get keywords to construct ExtractConfiguration. limit_files: List[str] = None List of file names relative to `obj`. Only these files are taken. Incompatible with `exclude_files` exclude_files: List[str] = None List of file names relative to `obj`. None of these files are taken. Incompatible with `limit_files` Raises ------ TypeError - If the type is not the expected (str, dict or ExtractConfiguration). ValueError - If there is too many arguments(args) FileNotFoundError - If any of the files/directories path inside the expected configuration doesn't exit. """ self._cfg = ExtractConfiguration(*args, **kwargs) self.limit_files = kwargs.get("limit_files") or getattr( self._cfg, "limit_files", None ) self.exclude_files = kwargs.get("exclude_files") or getattr( self._cfg, "exclude_files", None ) if any(i in self._cfg.features for i in ("music21")) and self._cfg.cache_dir: pwarn("\nmusic21's features were requested. musif's caching system is not compatible with these, so cache will be disabled. \n") self._cfg.cache_dir = None if self._cfg.cache_dir is not None: pinfo("Cache activated!") Path(self._cfg.cache_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True)
[docs] def extract(self) -> DataFrame: """ Extracts features given in the configuration data getting a file, directory or several file paths, returning a DataFrame containing musical features. Returns ------ Score dataframe with the extracted features of given scores. For one score only, a DataFrem is returned with one row only. Raises ------ ParseFileError If the musicxml file can't be parsed for any reason. KeyError If features aren't loaded in corrected order or dependencies """ linfo("--- Analyzing scores ---\n".center(120, " ")) xml_filenames = find_files( C.MUSIC21_FILE_EXTENSIONS, self._cfg.data_dir, limit_files=self.limit_files, exclude_files=self.exclude_files, ) musescore_filenames = find_files( mscore_c.MUSESCORE_FILE_EXTENSION, self._cfg.musescore_dir, limit_files=self.limit_files, exclude_files=self.exclude_files, ) if len(musescore_filenames) == 0: if self._cfg.is_requested_musescore_file(): perr( f"\nMusescore files are needed for the following features {C.REQUIRE_MSCORE}, but cannot find musescore files. Those features won't be computed!" ) if len(xml_filenames) > 0: filenames = xml_filenames elif self._cfg.cache_dir is not None: filenames = find_files( CACHE_FILE_EXTENSION, self._cfg.cache_dir, limit_files=self.limit_files, exclude_files=self.exclude_files, ) else: filenames = [] if len(filenames) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError("No file found for extracting features! Use data_dir (or cache_dir) to point to your files directory.") score_df = self._process_corpus(filenames) # fix dtypes score_df = score_df.convert_dtypes() score_df = score_df.apply(cast_mixed_dtypes, axis=0) return score_df
def _check_for_error_file(self): # Check for error file try: df = pd.read_csv(f'{self._cfg.output_dir}/error_files.csv', low_memory=False) df['ErrorFiles'] = df['ErrorFiles'].astype(str) df['ErrorFiles'] = df['ErrorFiles'].str.rsplit('/', 1).str[-1] errored_files = list(df['ErrorFiles']) print(errored_files) print("CSV loaded successfully.") except Exception: # Handle the case where the file is empty print("There is no error_files.csv, it will be created and loaded error files are included manually in it.") import os if not os.path.exists(f'{self._cfg.output_dir}'): os.makedirs(f'{self._cfg.output_dir}') def _process_corpus( self, filenames: List[PurePath] ) -> Tuple[List[dict], List[dict]]: def process_corpus_par(idx, filename): error_files = [] errors = [] try: if self._cfg.window_size is not None: score_features = self._process_score_windows(idx, filename) else: score_features = self._process_score(idx, filename) except Exception as e: self._check_for_error_file() print(f"Error found on {filename}. Saving the filename and error print to {str(self._cfg.output_dir)}/error_files.csv for latter tracking") error_files.append(filename) errors.append(e) df = pd.DataFrame({'ErrorFiles': error_files, 'Errors': errors}) df.to_csv(str(self._cfg.output_dir)+'/error_files.csv', mode='a', index=False) if self._cfg.ignore_errors: lerr( f"Error while extracting features for file {filename}, skipping it because `ignore_errors` is True!" ) return {} else: raise e return score_features scores_features = Parallel(n_jobs=self._cfg.parallel)( delayed(process_corpus_par)(idx, fname) for idx, fname in enumerate(tqdm(filenames)) ) if self._cfg.window_size is not None: all_dfs = [] for score in scores_features: df_score = DataFrame(score) df_score = df_score.reindex(sorted(df_score.columns), axis=1) df_score.replace("NA", pd.NA, inplace=True) all_dfs.append(df_score) all_dfs = pd.concat(all_dfs, axis=0, keys=range(len(all_dfs))) else: all_dfs = DataFrame(scores_features) all_dfs = all_dfs.reindex(sorted(all_dfs.columns), axis=1) all_dfs = all_dfs.replace("NA", pd.NA) return all_dfs def _init_score_processing(self, idx: int, filename: PurePath): if self._cfg.cache_dir is not None: cache_name = ( Path(self._cfg.cache_dir) # / filename.parent / ( + CACHE_FILE_EXTENSION) ) cache_name.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: cache_name = None score_data = self._get_score_data(filename, load_cache=cache_name) parts_data = [ self._get_part_data(score_data, part) for part in score_data[C.DATA_SCORE].parts ] parts_data = _filter_parts_data(parts_data, self._cfg.parts_filter) basic_features = self.extract_modules( self._cfg.basic_modules_addresses, score_data, parts_data, basic=True ) basic_features[C.ID] = idx return basic_features, cache_name, parts_data, score_data def _process_score(self, idx: int, filename: PurePath) -> dict: ( basic_features, cache_name, parts_data, score_data, ) = self._init_score_processing(idx, filename) extract_global_time_signature(score_data) score_features = self.extract_modules( self._cfg.feature_modules_addresses, score_data, parts_data, basic=False ) score_features = {**basic_features, **score_features} score_features[C.WINDOW_ID] = 0 if self._cfg.cache_dir is not None: pickle.dump(score_data, open(cache_name, "wb")) return score_features def _process_score_windows(self, idx: int, filename: PurePath) -> List[dict]: ( basic_features, cache_name, parts_data, score_data, ) = self._init_score_processing(idx, filename) extract_global_time_signature(score_data) window_features = {} nmeasures = len(score_data[C.DATA_SCORE].parts[0].getElementsByClass(Measure)) ws = self._cfg.window_size hopsize = ws - self._cfg.overlap number_windows = (nmeasures - self._cfg.overlap) // hopsize all_windows_features = [] for idx in range(number_windows): first_window_measure = idx * hopsize last_window_measure = first_window_measure + ws window_data, window_parts_data = self._select_window_data( score_data, parts_data, first_window_measure, last_window_measure ) window_data.update( {k: v for k, v in score_data.items() if k not in window_data} ) window_features = self.extract_modules( self._cfg.feature_modules_addresses, window_data, window_parts_data, basic=False, ) window_features[ C.WINDOW_RANGE ] = f"{first_window_measure} - {last_window_measure}" window_features[C.WINDOW_ID] = idx window_features = {**basic_features, **window_features} all_windows_features.append(window_features) first_window_measure = last_window_measure - self._cfg.overlap if self._cfg.cache_dir is not None: pickle.dump(score_data, open(cache_name, "wb")) return all_windows_features def _select_window_data( self, score_data: dict, parts_data: list, first_measure: int, last_measure: int ): window_score = score_data[C.DATA_SCORE].measures( first_measure, last_measure, indicesNotNumbers=True ) filtered_partNames = [i.partName for i in score_data["parts"]] window_parts = [ i for i in if i.partName in filtered_partNames ] if ( self._cfg.is_requested_musescore_file() and score_data[C.DATA_MUSESCORE_SCORE] is not None ): window_mscore = score_data[C.DATA_MUSESCORE_SCORE].loc[ (score_data[C.DATA_MUSESCORE_SCORE]["mn"] <= last_measure) & (score_data[C.DATA_MUSESCORE_SCORE]["mn"] >= first_measure) ] window_mscore.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True, level=0) else: window_mscore = None window_score_data = { C.DATA_SCORE: window_score, C.DATA_FILTERED_PARTS: window_parts, C.DATA_MUSESCORE_SCORE: window_mscore, C.DATA_NUMERIC_TEMPO: score_data[C.DATA_NUMERIC_TEMPO], } for i, p in enumerate(window_parts): parts_data[i]["part"] = p return window_score_data, parts_data def extract_modules( self, packages: list, data: dict, parts_data: dict, basic: bool ): score_features = {} parts_features = [{} for _ in range(len(parts_data))] for package in packages: for module in self._find_modules(package, basic): self._update_parts_module_features( module, data, parts_data, parts_features ) self._update_score_module_features( module, data, parts_data, parts_features, score_features ) return score_features def _load_score_data(self, filename: Union[str, PurePath]): filename = Path(filename) # if filename.suffix == mscore_c.MUSESCORE_FILE_EXTENSION: # # convert to xml in a temporary file # mscore = self._cfg.mscore_exec # if mscore is None: # mscore = ms3.utils.get_musescore("auto") # if mscore is None: # raise RuntimeError( # "Cannot find musescore executable. Please provide xml files or the path to a musescore installation with the configuration `mscore_exec`" # ) # # if not isinstance(mscore, (list, tuple)): # # # this is needed to allow stuffs like `xvfb-run -a mscore` # # mscore = (mscore,) # # tmp_d, tmp_path = mkstemp( # # prefix=filename.stem, suffix=C.MUSIC21_FILE_EXTENSIONS[0] # # ) # # process = mscore + ("-fo", tmp_path, filename) # # res =, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL) # # if res.returncode != 0: # # raise RuntimeError( # # f"Error while converting musescore file to xml: {filename}" # ) # else: # tmp_path = filename score = parse_filename( filename, self._cfg.split_keywords, expand_repeats=self._cfg.expand_repeats, export_dfs_to=self._cfg.dfs_dir, remove_unpitched_objects=self._cfg.remove_unpitched_objects, ) numeric_tempo = extract_numeric_tempo(filename) # if filename.suffix == mscore_c.MUSESCORE_FILE_EXTENSION: # os.close(tmp_d) # os.remove(tmp_path) filtered_parts = self._filter_parts(score) return score, tuple(filtered_parts), numeric_tempo def _get_score_data( self, filename: PurePath, load_cache: Optional[Path] = None ) -> dict: data = None info_load_str = "" if load_cache is not None and load_cache.exists(): s = converter.parse(filename) s.toData = types.MethodType(converter.toData, converter) cached_object = SmartModuleCache(s) try: data = pickle.load(open(load_cache, "rb")) except Exception as e: info_load_str += f" Error while loading pickled object, continuing with extraction from scratch: {e}" else: info_load_str += " File was loaded from cache." # get bytes bytes = cached_object.toData('midi') # write to file with open('output.mid', 'wb') as f: f.write(bytes) # save cached object pickle.dump(cached_object, open(load_cache, 'wb')) if data is None: try: score, filtered_parts, numeric_tempo = self._load_score_data(filename) except ParseFileError as e: perr(f"Error while parsing file {filename}") raise e else: info_load_str += " XML file parsed succesfully!" if len(filtered_parts) == 0: lwarn( f"No parts were found for file {filename} and filter: {','.join(self._cfg.parts_filter)}" ) if ( self._cfg.is_requested_musescore_file() and self._cfg.musescore_dir is not None ): filename_ms3 = ( Path(self._cfg.musescore_dir) / filename.with_suffix(mscore_c.MUSESCORE_FILE_EXTENSION).name ) try: data_musescore = self._get_harmony_data(filename_ms3) except ParseFileError as e: perr(f"Error while parsing file {filename_ms3}") raise e else: info_load_str += " MS3 file parsed succesfully!" else: data_musescore = None data = { C.DATA_SCORE: score, C.DATA_FILE: str(filename), C.DATA_FILTERED_PARTS: filtered_parts, C.DATA_MUSESCORE_SCORE: data_musescore, C.DATA_NUMERIC_TEMPO: numeric_tempo, } if len(self._cfg.precache_hooks) > 0: for hook in self._cfg.precache_hooks: if isinstance(hook, str): hook = __import__(hook, fromlist=[""]) hook.execute(self._cfg, data) if self._cfg.cache_dir is not None: m21_objects = SmartModuleCache( (data[C.DATA_SCORE], data[C.DATA_FILTERED_PARTS]), resurrect_reference=( self._load_score_data, # filename.relative_to("."), filename, ), ) data[C.DATA_SCORE] = m21_objects[0] data[C.DATA_FILTERED_PARTS] = m21_objects[1] pdebug(f"\nProcessing score {filename}." + info_load_str) return data def _get_harmony_data(self, filename: PurePath) -> pd.DataFrame: if not filename.exists(): lerr(f"Musescore file was not found for {filename} file!") lerr( f"These features won't be extracted for {filename}: {C.REQUIRE_MSCORE}" ) return None else: try: data_musescore = parse_musescore_file( str(filename), self._cfg.expand_repeats ) return data_musescore except ParseFileError as e: data_musescore = None lerr(str(e)) return None def _filter_parts(self, score: Score) -> List[Part]: parts = list( # self._deal_with_dupicated_parts(parts) if self._cfg.parts_filter is None or len(self._cfg.parts_filter) == 0: return parts filter_set = set(self._cfg.parts_filter) return ( part for part in parts if to_abbreviation(part, parts, self._cfg) in filter_set ) def _deal_with_dupicated_parts(self, parts): for part in parts: # Keeping onle solo and 1º part of duplicated instruments =" 1º", "") part.partAbbreviation = part.partAbbreviation.replace(" 1º", "") if "2º" in parts.remove(part) def _get_part_data(self, score_data: dict, part: Part) -> dict: sound = extract_sound(part, self._cfg) part_abbreviation, sound_abbreviation, part_number = _extract_abbreviated_part( sound, part, score_data[C.DATA_FILTERED_PARTS], self._cfg ) family = self._cfg.sound_to_family.get(sound, GENERAL_FAMILY) family_abbreviation = self._cfg.family_to_abbreviation.get(family, family) data = { C.DATA_PART: part, C.DATA_PART_NUMBER: part_number, C.DATA_PART_ABBREVIATION: part_abbreviation, C.DATA_SOUND: sound, C.DATA_SOUND_ABBREVIATION: sound_abbreviation, C.DATA_FAMILY: family, C.DATA_FAMILY_ABBREVIATION: family_abbreviation, } return data def _get_module_or_attribute(self, f, name): if hasattr(f, name): module = getattr(f, name) else: try: module = __import__(f.__name__ + "." + name, fromlist=[""]) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: return e return module def _find_modules(self, package: str, basic: bool): found_features = set() if isinstance(package, str): package = __import__(package, fromlist=[""]) if basic: to_extract = self._cfg.basic_modules if self._cfg.basic_modules else [] else: to_extract = self._cfg.features if self._cfg.features else [] for feature in to_extract: feature_package = self._get_module_or_attribute(package, feature) if isinstance(feature_package, Exception): continue module = self._get_module_or_attribute(feature_package, "handler") if isinstance(module, Exception): raise ImportError( f"It seems {feature}.handler cannot be imported." ) from module feature_dependencies = getattr(feature_package, "musif_dependencies", []) for dependency in feature_dependencies: if dependency not in found_features and dependency != feature: raise ValueError( f"Feature {feature} is dependent on feature {dependency} ({dependency} should appear before {feature} in the configuration)" ) found_features.add(feature) yield module def _update_parts_module_features( self, module, score_data: dict, parts_data: List[dict], parts_features: List[dict], ): for part_data, part_features in zip(parts_data, parts_features): module_name = ( str(module.__name__) .replace("musif.extract.features.", "") .replace(".handler", "") ) ldebug( f'Extracting part "{part_data[C.DATA_PART_ABBREVIATION]}" {module_name} features.' ) try: module.update_part_objects( score_data, part_data, self._cfg, part_features ) except Exception as e: score_name = score_data["file"] perr( f"An error occurred while extracting module {module.__name__} in {score_name}!!.\nError: {e}\n" ) raise FeatureError( f"In {score_name} while computing {module.__name__}" ) from e def _update_score_module_features( self, module, score_data: dict, parts_data: List[dict], parts_features: List[dict], score_features: dict, ): ldebug( f'Extracting score "{score_data[C.DATA_FILE]}" {module.__name__} features.' ) try: module.update_score_objects( score_data, parts_data, self._cfg, parts_features, score_features ) except Exception as e: score_name = score_data["file"] perr( f"An error occurred while extracting module {module.__name__} in {score_name}!!.\nError: {e}\n" ) raise FeatureError( f"In {score_name} while computing {module.__name__}" ) from e